Where are you located?

We have a network of branches you could visit to speak to an expert team of event consultants. Below are the locations:

We’re open from 9am – 6pm on weekdays and weekends.

  • No. 25, Wijerama Mw, Colombo 7
  • 279 Nawala Rd, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
  • 171, Mahanama Junction, Galle Rd, Panadura
  • 89 Negombo Rd, Negombo

What services do you offer?

We provide all floral solutions for your wedding, customized to your liking using fresh flowers from our own Lassana farms. Be it a church wedding, poruwa function, traditional ceremony, outdoor function, bridal bouquets or anything you fancy, we’ve got you covered.

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How can we reserve our date with you?

We’re excited to meet you in person, to discuss the finer details of your wedding décor, once you are happy with the customized designs we offer, the next step is to lock your date in with an advance payment. Leave the rest to us and have a worry-free celebration.

How can you help me create my dream wedding?

Be inspired with what fresh flowers can create, our team of in house designers and event consultants are keen to explore your interests and create bespoke floral décor to bring make your dream wedding a reality.

some of our
lassana moments